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The Monastery of Our Lady and Saint Laurence belongs to the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese's Western-rite Vicariate, under the omophorion of His Grace, Bishop John, Vicar Bishop.

Founded on Holy Cross Day, 2013, the monastery strives to model its life on the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict of Nursia (d. 547 A.D.), modified by its own Constitutions, under the guidance of its elected Abbot. The community was granted canonical status on July 16, 2015, by His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH.

Like most monastic communities, we work hard to support ourselves. However, we also depend upon benefactors to assist us with various projects and ministries. We invite you to participate in our life and ministry by making a tax-deductible donation to the monastery using the Paypal button below. It is especially helpful to us when people set up regular, monthly donations as small as $5.00, as it helps us with planning and budgeting. Thank you for visiting our web site and considering assisting us in this pioneering mission in the beautiful Rocky Mountains!


News & Events

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The monks work to support their common life, chiefly through providing support and hospitality for the guest and retreat ministry of the Benedictine Fellowship. However, we are deeply grateful for all who assist us in funding monastic life and the retreat ministry.

Ladyminster, a documentary, was released in 2018. This 45-minute documentary follows the first visit of Fr. Patrick Cardine to the community.
Dormition of St Benedict_edited.jpg

Contact & Directions

PHONE: 719-453-8994

We are happy to hear from you. Leave a message with your contact information but speak slowly and clearly: we can't return calls if we can't understand the message!


The Monastery and Guest House will be closed to visitors from December 2, 2024 through April 29, 2025.

You are welcome to go ahead and request reservations for the time between April 30 through November 30 of 2025 and 2026.

To book a retreat or other visit to the Monastery, please complete the Reservation Request. We will respond as quickly as possible to let you know if we have availability for your requested dates.

Request to Schedule a Retreat

Please note that no reservation is guaranteed until we have confirmed it.

What type of Retreat do you need?
Individual or Family
Orthodox Church Group
Other Church or Organization
How will you travel?
Requested arrival Date and approximate time
Requested departure Date and approximate time

Our mailing address is 4712 Cabin Creek Road Canon City, CO  81212

Saint Benedict
of Nursia

Widely venerated as the "Father of Western Monasticism," St. Benedict of Nursia wrote a monastic rule that has been followed continuously by monks in the West since his repose in the sixth century. His life was first recorded by St. Gregory the Dialogistpope of Rome, in his famous Dialogues. He is commemorated by the Church on March 14.



St. Benedict was born at Nursia, in Italy, around 470 A.D. Sent to school in Rome, he soon fled the worldliness of life in the city, abandoning his secular studies to become a monk. Although he first lived with a "company of virtuous men," soon a miracle the holy man performed, fixing a broken vessel, attracted attention. He fled once again and took up residence in a mountain cave at Subiaco, near the site of a villa built by Nero. Here St. Benedict lived in continual prayer and asceticism for three years. Eventually, God allowed his fame to spread once again, and he was asked by a nearby community of monks to become their abbot. The saint reluctantly agreed. However, the men rebelled against his ascetic directions and attempted to poison him. St. Benedict was unharmed, because as he made the sign of the cross over the poisoned drink, the cup shattered. He returned to his cave. Gradually individuals began to come to live near him at Subiaco, and in the end St. Benedict built twelve monasteries for these spiritual children, living himself at a thirteenth, Monte Cassino. St. Gregory notes a tradition that St. Benedict had a sister, St. Scholastica, who became a nun at one of his communities, and a famous story has her praying for a rainstorm on one occasion so as to enjoy more time in spiritual fellowship with her brother. Three days later, she died. St. Benedict saw her soul rising to heaven "in the likeness of a dove," and had her buried in his own tomb. (St. Scholastica is remembered on February 10.) After receiving the Eucharist, St. Benedict reposed in the oratory of his monastery, his arms lifted in prayer, in the year 543.


Liturgical Texts from the Monastic Office



O God, who didst vouchsafe to fill thy most blessed Confessor Benedict with the spirit of all the righteous: grant unto us thy servants who celebrate his Solemnity that, being filled with the same spirit, we may faithfully accomplish that which thou hast enabled us to promise. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, ever world without end. Amen.


Antiphon on Magnificat, II Vespers:

O thou pattern of life celestial, our Teacher and Leader Benedict, whose spirit now rejoices with Christ in the heavens: preserve thy flock, kindly Shepherd; strengthen them by thy holy prayer; and on a way made clear by thee their guide, make them enter into heaven.


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