This month has seen two of our monks engaged in outreach ministries in the Antiochian Church beyond Denver:

Dom Joseph-Marie, who is blessed as an Archdiocesan Iconographer, is in Whittier, California, teaching a month-long class on iconography. Father, of course, was the iconographer for the interior walls of St. Michael's Church, Whittier. He was invited by the Very Rev. Br. John Fenton, Obl.SB to conduct the class. He will return to Glastonbury House at St. Mark's, Denver, for Ash Wednesday.

Abbot Theodore was invited by Metropolitan Silouan of the British Isles and Ireland to travel to Scotland to participate in the various services and Liturgies celebrating the reception of a group of previously non-canonical Western "Orthodox" Christians into the Church of Antioch. He was one of four of our Western Rite Vicariate clergy to be invited and blessed by His Eminence, Metropolitan Saba, to travel and serve during the four-day event. While there, Father Abbot stood sponsor for the chrismation of an oblate, served two Liturgies according to the ancient Sarum Rite (of Salisbury Cathedral), received the vows of novice Br. Dionysius (who spent several months as a novice with Ladyminster while awaiting the regularization of the Monastery of Ss. Alban and Aethelwold, near Dumfries) -- now known as Father John -- and officially transferred him to Hierodeacon James, the Superior of the monastery, and chrismated one of the families entering the canonical Church.